Friday, January 11, 2008

Basic Java Questions.

Is java 100% object oriented language?
What are features of java?
Does Java supports Multiple ineheritance? How?
What is a class & object?
What is an inner Class?
What is an abstract Class?
Difference between abstract Class & Interface?
Can an Interface be extendable?
What is adapter Class?
What is a Static Class?
How to make class not inheritable?
How to load a class dynamically?
How to implement user defined exceptions?
What is try catch block?
Difference between final, finally, finalize.
Java Objects handled by using Object by reference Object by value?
When exactly import statments are executed? Runtime / Compile time?
Java is a compiler or interpreter?
What is JIT compiler?
What is java bytecode?
What is JVM?
What is Garbage Collection? and how it is handled in Java?
How to explicitly use Garbage collection?
How to implement Threads in Java
How to eliminate deadlock conditions in java?